Cost of HSE

Cost of HSE

Organizations around the world have begun re-examining the value of safety departments. For many companies, while it is true that implementing health and safety initiatives can be an expensive endeavor, the cost of workplace incidents should be motivation enough for improving the performance of their safety programs. As safety and compliance regulations around the world become increasingly stringent, the costs …

Remembering The Westray Coal Mine Explosion 25 Years Later

This year marked the 25th anniversary of the Westray coal mine explosion, a tragedy which took the lives of 26 miners in Nova Scotia. The disaster was fraught with poor government oversight and lax safety standards that affected many lives and businesses involved. As one of Canada’s deadliest mining disasters, what lessons can we take away from this event and …

PSC 2017 Concluding Thoughts: 4 Major Considerations for New HSE Software

  The Petroleum Safety Conference kicked off last week, with many oil and gas companies attending the show to learn about and purchase the latest innovations in HSE, across software, devices and equipment. A key takeaway from the conference was the growing demand by organizations to keep their workers safe and increase organizational efficiency and quality. Here are the top …

Alberta Construction Site Fatalities Jump 15% Despite Economic Downturn

Last year, Alberta’s workplace fatalities totaled 144, a 15% increase from the previous year’s total of 125, despite the economic downturn which resulted in the loss of thousands of jobs across Alberta’s worksites. A large portion of these fatalities took place on Alberta’s construction sites. In the last year, construction sites and other high-risk worksites have been targeted by frequent …

Agricultural Safety Week Aims to Improve Safety Initiatives on Farms

This week (March 12 to 18) is Canadian Agricultural Safety Week, the annual awareness and education campaign targeting safety in agriculture. With a focus on improving safety initiatives on farms, the campaign is encouraging adults in the the agriculture industry to lead by example, communicate and demonstrate proper safety procedures, and develop safety plans that are personalized for their operations. …

Why Health and Safety Is Essential For Sustainability

  From ethical sourcing methods, recycling programs, and renewable energy initiatives, sustainability has become a core value and a large part of many businesses long term strategies, placing emphasis on the future and long term goals of organizations rather than focusing on short term profits. Organizations are becoming increasingly successful in incorporating and balancing social, economic and environmental factors into …

Edmonton Launches Comprehensive Review of City QHSE Practices

The City of Edmonton has launched a comprehensive review of safety in the province’s municipal workplaces. The city wants to re-examine and improve upon the QHSE processes and safety culture of its municipal workplaces, eventually translating the positive results to the public sector. With a focus on the three distinct areas of people, processes and technology, the review will examine …

Health and Safety Trends for 2017

Health and Safety Trends for 2017 OSHA Recommendations: Last year, OSHA released its recommend practices for heath and safety programs, with the goal of improving QHSE processes across workplaces. The recommendations hope to prevent injuries and move safety culture from being reactive to encouraging proactive health and safety practices. These OSHA recommendations suggest that companies implement a robust safety program …

Cemex Launches Innovative QHSE Training Program

Cemex, a global leader in the building materials industry, has launched their innovative QHSE training initiative called the Health and Safety Academy, with the goal of fostering a more robust safety culture emphasising leadership, awareness, education, and a commitment to excellence. The industry-leading 18-month education program consists of three modules, held at different locations across the US. Taught by professionals …

CEOs Have A Major Influence Over Safety Culture

A recent study suggests that CEOs and senior management play the most critical role in creating and developing their organization’s safety culture, which they role model and pass down to middle management and supervisors. This emphasis and focus on safety eventually permeates throughout the entire organization, directly influencing the number of frontline employee injuries. The study, published in the Journal …