ITRAK 365 is deeply rooted in Microsoft technology at all levels.
ITRAK 365 & Power Platform Overview
Microsoft’s Power Platform provides the base platform for the ITRAK 365 application. Central to the entire model is the Microsoft Dataverse which is accessed from an ITRAK 365 Model-Driven Power App. Complementing this is a suite of ITRAK 365 Azure functions that connect the ITRAK 365 mobile platform into Dataverse.

ITRAK 365 leverages this platform and focuses on the specific business process domain of Safety and Operational Compliance. ITRAK 365 contains over 130+ safety and field operations controls, 200+ industry process templates (ranging from many variations of incident management to pure field data capture), along with 40+ “out-of-the-box” Power BI dashboards providing visibility into safety and operational processes corporate wide.
ITRAK’s 365 primary audience is field workers, capturing critical operational data that ensures companies can manage compliance with increasingly regulated environments. Field data, once captured, is managed through workflows and notifications to engage and bring visibility to safety and operational processes. ITRAK 365 provides a full spectrum of safety management and field operational processes including inspections, audits, safety meetings, corrective actions, risk assessments and incident management and investigation. ITRAK 365 also manages the complete life cycle of training, certification and competency management to ensure employees have skills and capabilities to operate effectively.
Mobile Devices: Native apps gather field data
Competency Management and Digital Procedures
Field Based Assessment
Hazard IDs
Behavioral based safety observations
Onsite inspections and auditing
Onsite safety meeting
Microsoft PowerBI Reporting & Dashboards
Microsoft Power BI is the definitive business intelligence platform that can be integrated as your company’s central reporting environment. Analyze your company’s data and discover insights, trends and patterns. Standard reporting such as TRIF (total recordable injury frequency), Total Lost Time Injuries, Proactive Actions and many more can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Utilizing Microsoft Power BI, you can create fully interactive visualizations on the fly and collaborate with your colleagues across tablet or desktop, enabling you to recognize and improve the areas that make your organization successful and cost efficient.

ITRAK 365 Portal
The ITRAK 365 Portal houses customizable Safety tailored components that are the backbone of any safety and compliance program. During the ITRAK 365 implementation process the ITRAK team will tailor common processes such as inspections, hazard identification, corrective actions, risk assessments, location controls and many more to your business. Once assembled, these workflows are published to portal and mobile users.
Configurations and administration of the ITRAK portal can be managed through the Dynamics 365 interface.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Microsoft Power Platform and how does it connect with ITRAK 365?
Microsoft Power Platform is the core building block of Microsoft business application environment. Underlying the Power Platform is Microsoft’s Common Data Service (CDS) the central storage environment for all business apps. ITRAK 365 is a business application built using the Power Platform for Safety and Field Operations processes. ITRAK 365 operates similar to other Dynamics 365 first party apps except it is built, owned and sold by the ITRAK 365 team.

What is Dynamics 365 and how is it different than Power Platform?
Dynamics 365 is a suite of business application built on the Power Platform. Sometimes referred to as first party apps and loosely labelled Dynamics 365, these applications contain collections of business processes for common activities such as Sales, Marketing, Customer Engagement, Field Service and Talent/HR Management. There is also another part of Dynamics referred to as Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (F&O) and it provides full breadth of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) functionality.
How did ITRAK evolve with Dynamics CRM, Dynamics 365 and Power Platform?
ITRAK 365 originated as a Dynamics CRM app using our legacy ITRAK3 system as a blueprint (ITRAK3 originates back from the mid 1990’s). ITRAK 365 evolved with Dynamics CRM as it became Dynamics 365 and eventually celebrated the split between the Dynamics 365 1st party apps (Dynamics 365 CE) and the Power Platform (known as XRM). Each evolution of Power Platform brings with it new ITRAK 365 capabilities.
How does ITRAK 365 compare to a Citizen developed Power App?
ITRAK 365 is a model driven Power App that leverages the common data model. Citizen PowerApps can come in a variety of different flavours including model driven or canvas apps. These apps can access ITRAK 365 data directly by accessing Entities (not recommended) or via the ITRAK 365 API.
What opportunities are there when licensing Power Apps and ITRAK 365 together?
We have embedded Microsoft licensing into the ITRAK 365 offer for many years. We often did this because of the complexity and confusion it created. Recently, things have changed, and we couldn’t be more excited. After many years, the reality of the separation of XRM and 1st party apps is a reality, and this opens up a world of opportunities! Rather than licensing ITRAK 365 with Dynamics Licenses and using the dreaded Team Member license – there is now a pure suit-for-purpose license called a Power App License.
Are there other ITRAK 365 components beyond the Model Driven Power App?
Yes, ITRAK 365 central storage is in CDS and accessed through a Model Driven Power App. Many ITRAK 365 users will access ITRAK through a web portal and via mobile using ITRAK 365 Mobile Platform (a proprietary platform built by the ITRAK 365 team). ITRAK 365 also contains a suite of Power BI dashboards that provide reporting for standard ITRAK 365 data.