ITRAK 365 Featured Components
Managing your Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental (QHSE) risks can be complex. ITRAK provides a rich and configurable platform which can be tailored to your business processes resulting in improved organizational resilience.
Incident Management
Incidents can become cumbersome when many parties are involved. ITRAK provides a structured incident process which incorporates incident classification, risk management and assigning action to prevent further occurrences and reduces the risk of costly incidents.

Inspections & Audits
Risk evaluation, analysis and control processes can be complex and daunting. Establishing a solid framework for risk assessment is imperative to identify threats and opportunities to remain competitive in this rapidly changing global landscape. The power of data-driven decisions can help management to determine the priorities for potential course of actions in regard to risk management.

Risk Assessments
Risk evaluation, analysis and control processes can be complex and daunting. Establishing a solid framework for risk assessment is imperative to identify threats and opportunities to remain competitive in this rapidly changing global landscape. The power of data-driven decisions can help management to determine the priorities for potential course of actions in regard to risk management.

Corrective Actions
Monitoring management policies and procedures is the foundation of an efficient successful system. When deficiencies are identified, it is critical to assign action and close out the item. Managing corrective actions and non-conformance reporting can be time consuming and ITRAK 365 has a smooth streamlined process to manage and save time to focus on priorities.
Hazard Assessment
Safety professionals have many roles and requirements to meet compliance, such that they can be bogged down with paper work in the office resulting in reduced time in the field. Developing, formatting and updating hazard assessments (Job Safety Analysis –JSA; Task Safety analysis) can be time consuming, especially when different equipment and tools are reflected into a site specific assessment. ITRAK provides the foundation for a standardized assessment where efforts can be spent on content not formatting of the document.

Training & Competency
Third party training can be expensive, particularly with firms with a high employee turn over rate and seasonal first line workers. Tracking training records and ensuring competency by task or job role is crucial for employer due diligence and protecting first line workers who are not properly trained or competent in a certain role. Not managing training and records efficiently could lead to increase of injuries or even a fatality.

Management of Change
Staying ahead of change can be an uphill battle without a structured process. Is your organization proactive or reactive? Mismanaging change can have drastic fiscal and liability consequences. How much variation of change is acceptable in your organization? Where is your organization's threshold before a management of change should be initiated?