Alberta enters the technology business. Stranger in a Strange Land… no more?

As a software entrepreneur in Calgary for the last 25 years the domination of Oil & Gas industry has often had me feel like the character from Robert A. Heinlein’s “Stranger in a Strange Land”. Having spent time in my career in software cities like Vancouver, Toronto, Boston and San Francisco, running a software company in YYC feels, well – …

Death spiral, Mr. Laut? Not if we make these choices.

A few weeks ago, Steve Laut, President of Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNRL), one of Canada’s largest oil and gas producers, delivered a direct messageto the energy services businesses in a Fort McMurrary Chamber of Commerce meeting. His comments suggested to the muted audience that costs have gotten out of control before challenging the Canadian Energy Sector to become more efficient …

5 reasons why Enterprise Mobile adoption will revolve around Safety and Inspections

  For nearly 10 years the mobility industry has tirelessly focused on convincing us about the undeniable value of Enterprise Mobility and the never ending search for the enterprise “killer app”. It’s been a tough sell, but an answer is emerging. Below are five reasons why I believe corporate safety programs will be the catalyst for adopting enterprise mobility widely …